Seriously, could this *be* any more racist? We've been unable to come up with a caption that adequately describes just how terrible this cover is. We leave it up to you, dear readers, to somehow capture this horror with humor and wit. If you can come up with something that makes both Uncle Walter and The Wife laugh, groan, or slap their respective foreheads, you win! What do you win? Cool Uncle Walter stuff! What could be better?
Enter as many times as you'd like. Submit anything you want, clean or dirty or anywhere in between. Use any source or reference that catches your fancy or just use your imagination. Email us, post your submissions at our forum, or leave them in our comments section! Contest ends on June 15, 2010.
Reader submission by Karla B.
Uncle Walter cannot verify
of submissions, but he'll take your word for it
Troubled Heritage -- Jeanne Wilson