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Okay I can't win twice but I just have to chime in on this one. I can just see Conan O'brien using this in one of his skits...

In The Year 10,000 -

Spandex will be the new clothing of choice, head transplants will be all the rage, mullets make a shocking come-back and a man will be judged on just how many gold cuffs he can wear at one time.

The Wife

Well, I have to admit -- you CAN win twice. But you have to give us time to order more stuff. Right now we only have 2 things. :-P

Matt's Sis

I'm just trying to figure out what Brooke Shields is doing on the cover... it looks like she is too.


He has quite an impressive package there. All that goes through my head is Olivia Newton-John's "Physical" song.

He reminds me of the guys who did magic with the tigers. Oh what the heck are their names? SIGFRIED AND ROY!! Those are the ones. He looks like one of them. As they are now. Old.

The Wife

My 7 year old says: It looks like he KNOWS that he's on a cover and is posing for it. Or maybe he's staring into the sun.

Jain Daire

So you'll not be needing the corset, then?

Because you give concave a whole new definition.


He wondered: "How much did those things cost?"

She wondered: "How much did that thing cost?"


He'd never tell her where her joy buzzer panties went!

But SHE had the remote control set to "liquefy".


Oh god Matt! That reminds me of "The Ugly Truth"!! Just watched that the other night. That scene was ROARING!


Careful, lady...looks like he's about to go supernova.


The look on his face just spoke that seen to me.
"OH GOD! She hit the button!"
And now she'll wait.

The Drew Carey show, where Mimi has the squirming panties?
And somebody has the remote?
THAT is the look on his face.

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