We've gotten a winner, for Cover #2, but we still need a winner for Cover #1!
We provide the cover, you provide the witty, funny, or groan-out-loud worthy caption, and you get free stuff. What can be better???
Send your
captions to [email protected], post them in the comments section, or post them at our forum. Winner is the person that makes both Uncle Walter and The Wife laugh/groan/slap forehead. Anything goes -- make references to anything you want. Dirty, clean, or anywhere in between. And if you win, you get some cool Uncle Walter stuff! Who can resist??? Due to numerous request, the contest will end May 31. After that, there will be another! So if you don't win here, you'll get another chance -- and if you win, you can STILL win another time! We've gotten some good responses so far, but nothing that screams "perfect" -- so SCREAM at us!
Heaven's Hero -- Collen Shannon
What happens if I like my own the best?
Posted by: The Wife | 05/20/2010 at 10:43 PM
I saw this cover again & thought "I'm tired of seeing this cover, I'm think the girl is tired too...".
So, I guess it's "I think we should see other people." or "You're saying we should see other people, right?"
However, if yours is best then you could just use that & find another cover for us to make groan worthy captions with.
Also, is that supposed to be a scar on his stomach? Medieval appendectomy? I've been wondering since first looking at this blasted cover.
And another thing, random champagne bottle going off in the lower corner... this hardly appears to be the time for a celebration.
Posted by: Matt's Sis | 05/22/2010 at 03:04 PM
Point taken -- I'm going to end it with the caption we like best -- mine. BUT! DeanaTroi gave me the inspiration, so technically, she wins!
Posted by: The Wife | 05/22/2010 at 03:59 PM
I don't care if I won or not. *quietly throws tantrum in the corner*
Nah, I was tired of seeing this cover. I stopped in & saw it STILL with no caption & started lobbing obscenities at my computer in my head. Kind of like "Hath no-one thought of something @#&$ witty enough?!".
Apparently we can't perform on the spot. T_T
Posted by: Matt's Sis | 05/22/2010 at 04:14 PM
I'm sorry. :( We have two new awesome covers (I really think you'll like them) to do another contest with. I know you guys can do this! I think it will get better as time goes on and people get a "feel" for it.
Have a question that I should put out there... We've been thinking of going back to 1 cover a day. Thoughts, opinions, expletives?
Edited to add, we're only going to do ONE cover at a time. Two is just too much.
Posted by: The Wife | 05/22/2010 at 04:20 PM
Hey Wife. I forgot what I wrote about that. Can you show yours back to back with the inspiration please? Thanks.
Posted by: Deanatroi | 05/22/2010 at 04:48 PM
Deanatroi said: "You're about the right size - give me your shoes" She already gave him a haircut. Next a bris? Apr 20, 2010 on"
Posted by: The Wife | 05/22/2010 at 05:23 PM
You'll see ours tonight. ;)
Posted by: The Wife | 05/22/2010 at 05:23 PM