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gives new meaning to "The Gay Blade"

The Wife

We already used a "zorro the gay blade" reference.


She said her name was William Wallace.
From the timbre of her voice, I believed her.


She wanted his clothes, he wanted her sheath.
A match made by skynet.

The Wife

We're getting there! I can feel it! :D


I can feel it, shaving in the air at night, oh Lord..


Just call her "Lady Gillette" for that close shave.


Take care fair lady. My belt is buckled 4 notches too tight. One prick will blow us both to kingdom come.


She wanted his heart...and knew just where to cut to get to it


and a shout out to Bryan Adams...
She cuts with a knife, but it feels so right


"Lass, if you think that's long and hard, wait until I show you what I've got a'hiding in my breeks."


"Now come, Lass. You KNOW that's not the sword I wanted ye tae grab."


(not a caption)
KEEPers in the house!!
Most excellent Mistress of the KEEP! Looks like we're playing dueling banjos, the caption edition

Lay down the sword sweet angel, and I'll take us to heaven.


Bored much?
(caption revision)
Lay down your weapon sweet angel, only my sword can take you to heaven.


"Ok ok! I get the point! Tomorrow YOU can be the damsel in distress!"


Identity theft, medieval style.


She already sliced off his lips; the nipples were next.


Someone took the tarot reading too seriously. The Queen of Sword. Of course which one is the real Queen?


See - we think we're funny. We're just not Uncle Walter and Wife funny!


Awkward moments at the condo laundry, renfair style.

"Lady, I swear it' not what you think!"

"Unh-hunh.. sure, you're wearing my tunic, hose, AND shoes. What ELSE of mine are you wearing?"

And with the deftness of well practiced skill, she cut the front of the trousers open to reveal her prized neuticles.

The Wife

Well... we're supposed to end the contest tomorrow. A couple of these have VERY good promise. They're... close! They're just not quite right. What to do, what to do?

The Wife

Let's be honest -- we're not always funny. But we know you guys are. :)


I've been beat lately, and busy.
So my inspirationometer is at empty.

The Wife

I've been AWOL, sorry. Too much to do with the kids on beautiful days. It's all we can do to get the posts up lately!

But there's some great material here!


Sis said "You shriek like a banshee" isn't something you'd want to say to your date, especially to a guy.
I asked her to post the long version she said, but she shrugged and said "meh".
Dunno if she will.

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