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*Woman, with deep voice* "Take it like a man."

"He told her he never shaved, she showed him the importance of a sharp blade."

"He was Satan's rogue, she was the Hero of Heaven saving chastity one slice at a time."


"Now love, It's not what you think! It was exactly what she thought, he was wearing her dress.." -SIS! Knock it off, post your own!
*Rotten sis speaking from over the shoulder*

The Wife

Tell your sis that if she doesn't post her own, you get the credit. ;)


"You're about the right size - give me your shoes"

She already gave him a haircut. Next a bris?

The Wife

Nice. Keep trying! Enter as many times as you want.


(AhNold voice from The Terminator) "Your clothes, give them to me."


She actually looks like the woman who played Kathrine Hiegl's sister on 27 dresses. Sigh. I can't think tonight of any more quotes. I like the one from Terminator. What are the rules Wife and UW? Do they have to be original? Or can you use quotes from other places that fit the scenario?


Lorena Bobbit Does Ren Faire!

The Wife

D, you can use quotes from anywhere -- just like we do. They can be movie references, song references, book references, whatever. No limits, it just has to be funny for the caption.

T, lol

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